MUFAK - Maryland Universal Forestry Acronym Key


AAN - American Association of Nurserymen

ACB - Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act

ADAAG - Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines

AFA - American Forest Association

AFF - American Forest Foundation

AFI - Association of Forest Industries

AF&PA - American Forest and Paper Association

AMP - Alternate Management Plan

ANS - American National Standard

ANSI - American National Standard Institute

AP - Associated Press

APA - American Pulpwood Association

APHIS - Agricultural Plant Health Inspection Service

ARS - Agricultural Research Service (USDA)

ASLA - American Society of Landscape Architecture

ATFP - American Tree Farm Program

AWP - Annual Work Plan

B&B - Balled & Burlapped (Trees)

BAF - Basal Area Factor

BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs

BIFC - Boise Interagency Fire Center

BIP - Buffer Incentive Program

BLM - Bureau of Land Management

BMP - Best Management Practice

CA - Critical Area

CAC - Critical Area Commission

CBC - Chesapeake Bay Commission

CBF - Chesapeake Bay Foundation

CBH - Circumference Breast Height

CB - Chesapeake Bay Program

CCC - Civilian Conservation Corp

CES - Cooperative Extension Service

CFA - Cooperative Forestry Assistance

CFE - Continuing Forestry Education

CFFP - Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention

CFP - Cooperative Fire Protection

CIS - Critical Incident Stress

CMR - Cooperative Management Review

COB - Close of Business

COMAR - Code of MD Regulations

CRC - Chesapeake Research Consortium

CRP - Conservation Reserve Program

CSRS - Cooperative State Research Service

CTR - Crop Tree Release

CVVFA - Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman’s Association

CWA - Clean Water Act

CZMA - Coastal Zone Management Act

DBH - Diameter Breast Height (at 4.5')

DFMG - Delmarva Fire Management Group

DFS - Delmarva Fox Squirrels

DG - Data General

DGS - Department of General Services

DIB - Diameter Inside Bank

DNR - Department of Natural Resources (Maryland)

DOB - Diameter Outside Bank

DOD - Department of Defense

DOI - Declaration of Intent

DRMS - Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service

EDF - Environmental Defense Fund

EE - Environmental Education

EEF - Environmental Education Fund

EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity

EIS - Environmental Impact Statement

EOC - Emergency Operations Center

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

EQIP - Environmental Quality Incentives Program

ERDAS - Earth Resource Data Analysis System

ESA - Endangered Species Act

FAC - Forest Advisory Commission

FB - Forestry Board

FCA - Forest Conservation Act

FCDB - Forest Conservancy District Boards

FCMA - Forest Conservation and Management Agreement

FCMP - Forest Conservation and Management Program

FCP - Forest Conservation Plan

FDIC - Fire Department Instructors Conference

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEPP - Federal Excess Personal Property

FF - Federal Funds

FFY - Federal Fiscal Year

FIA - Forest Inventory and Analysis

FIA - Freedom Information Act

FID - Forest Interior Dwelling (Birds)

FIDS - Forest Interior Dwelling Species

FIP - Forestry Incentives Program

FLA - Forest Legacy Area

FLETC - Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (Glencoe, GA)

FLP - Forest Legacy Program

FOB - First on Board

FOP - Fraternal Order of Police

FORS - Forest Resource Systems Institute

FRA - Freedom of Reforestation Act

FRI - Forest Resource Inventory

FRM - Forest Resource Management

FRPI - Forest Resource Protection Initiative

FRPL - Forest Resource Program Leaders

FSA - Farm Services Agency

FSCC - Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee

FSCC - Forest Stewardship Coordinating Council

FSD - Forest Stand Delineation

FSP - Forest Stewardship Program

FSP - Forest Stewarship Plan

FTE - Full Time Equivalents (personnel)

FWG - Foresty Work Group

FY - Fiscal Year (MD 7-1 to 6-30)

GF - General Funds

GIS - Geographic Information System

GPS - Global Positioning System

GSA - General Services Administration (Federal)

HB - House Bill

HPA - Habitat Protection Areas

I&E - Information and Education

IAFC - Interagency Fire Crew

IAFWD - International Association of Fish & Wildlife Directors

ICS - Incident Command System

IDT - Inter Disciplinary Team

IFSTA - International Fire Service Training Association

IPA - Interagency Personnel Agreement

IPM - Integrated Pest Management

IRCG - Eastern Intra-regional Coordinating Group

ISA - International Society of Arboriculture

ISO - Insurance Services Office

ISO - International Standards Organization

ISTEA - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act



LE - Law Enforcement

LID - Low Impact Development

LPF - Licensed Professional Forester

LTA - Land Trust Alliance

LTA - Long Term Agreement

LTE - Licensed Tree Expert

MAA - MD Arborists Association

MAC-ISA - Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture

MACO - MD Association of Counties

MAFCDB - MD Association of Forest Conservancy District Boards

MAIFFPC - Middle Atlantic Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact

MASCD - MD Association of Soil Conservation Districts

MBF - Thousand Board Feet

MCC - MD Conservation Corps

MCC - MD Conservation Council

MCFC - MD Community Forest Council

MCTGA - MD Christmas Tree Growers Association

MDA - MD Department of Agriculture

MDE - MD Department of Environment

MDNG - MD National Guard

MDNRFS - MD Department of Natural Resources Forest Service

MDOT - MD Department of Transportation

MEMA - MD Emergency Management Agency

MFA - MD Forests Association

MFCA - MD Fire Chiefs Association

MFRI - MD Fire and Rescue Institute

MHT - Mean High Tide

MLP - Master Logger Program

MM - Management Measures

MML - MD Municipal League

MNCPPC - MD National Capital Park and Planning Commission

MOA - Memorandum of Agreement

MOP - MD Office of Planning

MOSHA - MD Occupational Safety and Health Act

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MSFA - MD State Fireman’s Association

MSP - MD State Police

MTDC - Missoula Technology and Development Center

MTFC - MD Tree Farm Committee

MTRP - Municipal Tree Restoration Program

N&TI - Nursery and Tree Improvement

NA - Northeastern Area (20 states; USFS Region 9)

NAA - National Arborists Association

NAASF - Northeast Area Association of State Foresters

NACD - National Association of Conservation Districts

NADF - National Arbor Day Foundation

NASCD - National Association of Soil Conservation Districts

NASF - National Association of State Foresters

NEAT - Northeast Area Training

NEPA - National Environmental Planning Act

NFDRS - National Fire Danger Rating System

NFFS - Northeast Forest Fire Supervisors

NFPA - National Fire Protection Association

NFS - National Forest System

NHBD - Natural Heritage and Biodiversity

NHLA - National Hardwood Lumber Association

NICC - National Incident Command Center (Boise, ID)

NIFQS - National Interagency Fire Qualifications System

NIIMS - National Interagency Incident Management System

NIPF - Non-Industrial Private Forest

NIPFLO - Non-Industrial Private Forest Landowner

OE - Outdoor Education

OMB - US Office of Management and Budget

OMP - Operation and Management Plan

OP - Operation Order

OSFM - Office of State Fire Marshall

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act

P&Z - Planning and Zoning

PHC - Plant Health Care

PIF - Partners In Flight

PIW - Partners in Wildlife

PL - Public Law

PLANT - People Loving and Nurturing Trees

PLT - Project Learning Tree

PMT - Photo-Mechanical Transfer

PPE - Personal Performance Evaluation

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

PRP - Pine Reforestation Plan

PSE - Planting Site Exam


R-8 - Region-8 (USFS - Headquarters, Atlanta)

R-9 - Region-9 (USFS - Headquarters, Milwaukee)

RC&D - Resource, Conservation and Development

RCFP - Rural Community Fire Protection

REC - Roscommon Equipment Center

RF - Re-imbursable Funds

RFA - Rural Forestry Assistance

RFB - Riparian Forest Buffer

RFDC - Rural Fire Defense Council

RFP - Request for Proposal

RFPC - Rural Fire Prevention and Control

RFPIA - Rural Fire Protection in America

ROW - Right of Way

RPA - Resource Planning Act

RPF - Registered Professional Forester

RST - Roadside Tree

RTCE - Roadside Tree Care Expert

RTE - Rare, Threatenedand Endangered (Species)

RTI - Roadside Tree Individual (Permit)

RTM - Roadside Tree Maintenance (Permit)

RTPA - Roadside Tree Public Agency (Permit)

S/U - Service/Urban

S&E - Sediment and Erosion (Control)

S&PF - State and Private Forestry

SAF - Society of American Foresters

SAFRB - Southern Association of Forestry Registration Boards

SB - Senate Bill

SCD - Soil Conservation District

SCUD - Sudden & Crazy Undesirable Demand (as in attack)

SELMA - South East Lumber Manufacturers Association

SF - School Forest

SF - Special Funds

SF - State Forest

SFI - Sustainable Forestry Initiative (Industry)

SHA - State Highway Administration

SIP - Stewardship Incentive Program

SMZ - Streamside Management Zone

SOS - Save Our Streams

SP - State Parks

SQM - Stream Quality Management

SRP - State Reforestation Program

STL - Seed Tree Law

SWCD - Soil and Water Conservation Districts

TAXMOD - Income Tax Modification for Reforestation and Timber Stand Improvement

TF - Tree Farm

THP - Timber Harvest Plans

TIC - Timber Industry Council

TIP - Tree Improvement Program

TNC - The Nature Conservancy

TSI - Timber Stand Improvement

TWW - Teaming With Wildlife

UCF - Urban and Community Forestry

UPI - United Press International

USDA - US Department of Agriculture

USDI - US Department of Interior

USDOT - US Department of Transportation

USFS - US Forest Service

USFWS - US Fish and Wildlife Service

USGS - US Geological Survey

VFC - Volunteer Fire Company

VFD - Volunteer Fire Department

VMT - Valuable Miles Traveled

WHIP - Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program

WIP - Woodland Incentive Program

WMA - Wildlife Management Area

WREEC - Western Regional Environmental Education Council

WSSC - Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

WSSC - Wetlands of Special State Concern

WUI - Wildland Urban Interface