Harmful Algal Blooms in Maryland

​2004 Brown Tide Distribution

In 2004, Brown Tide bloomed in the southern bays. Category three blooms developed at Green Point, Public Landing and Tingles Island. The bloom at Public Landing lasted for over a month. Green point has now had a Category three bloom two years in a row and appears to have increased in bloom intensity over time. Category two blooms were documented at Newport Bay site and were also likely at the Trappe Creek and Nixon sites although bi-monthly sampling did not capture it).

Brown Tide Distribution 2004 (Adjusted)

* Adjusted Brown Tide counts refers to an adjustment factor that was applied to monoclonal results (new analysis technique starting in 2004) to make them comparable to previous years polyclonal results as well as thresholds established using polyclonal methods.

 View unadjusted monoclonal count data.

Unadjusted monoclonal count data.