Weather and CONMON Stations at Otter Point Creek

Aerial view of Weather and CONMON Station at Otter Point Creek 

Otter Point Creek weather station Station: Otter Point Creek weather station
Position: 39° 27.047’ N, 76° 16.474’ W
Description: Located in Otter Point Creek, Bush River.
Years deployed: 2004 – present
Otter Point Creek weather station Station: Otter Point Creek
Position: 39° 27' 2.52 N, 76° 16' 28.56 W
Description: Located in the tidal freshwater system of Otter Point Creek, Bush River. Real time telemetry.
Years deployed: 2003 – present

Where to Find the Data!

Otter Point Creek CONMON water quality data can be downloaded from:

  1. NERRS Centralized Data Management Office website:
  2. Maryland Department of Natural Resources “Eyes on the Bay” website:

Otter Point Creek weather data can be requested by contacting CBNERR-MD Research Coordinator, Patricia Delgado: ( or Research Assistant Lindsay Carroll (


Sampling marsh vegetation at Jug Bay (Credit: L. Carroll)

Our Science

Explore and learn about the interesting research and long-term monitoring projects we are conducting at Otter Point Creek (Bush River), Jug Bay (Patuxent River), and Monie Bay (eastern shore). Our projects range from water quality monitoring to marsh plants to monitoring secretive marsh birds and fish.​​​​​


Links to Our Data

Our Data

We invite you to use our data to support research, modeling, management, and/or education goals. Our data could serve as baseline information to start a new research project, to look for interesting trends, to support modeling efforts, or to complement a project already in progress. We hope our data can help you to make a difference!


Monitoring the impacts of climate change on wetlands using longterm plant transects. (Credit: P. Delgado)

Monitoring Climate Change

Stay tuned for this new addition to our website!

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Weather and water quality station at Otter Point Creek (Credit: K. Garman)


Stay tuned for this new addition to our website!​​​